NonStatQuo/Cafe Bookstore and Book Groups.

Join Our Book Group. This Fall/Winter 2020

The Culture Cafe Book group will meet monthly. Members suggest books and we vote on the suggestions on the web site. Once the book is chosen, members have a month to read the book. Everyone in the group is notified by e-mail when the votes are cast.

If you don't have a copy of the book chosen for that month, you can order a copy from our cafe site and proceeds go directly back into managing the bookgroup. 

Relaxed Plot

Don't go looking for intricate details or mental exercize. The author just means to hang her or his head over the washing line for a chin-wag. Enjoy it.

Tear Bucket

Almost a Head Case, books like these just make you want to curl up in the duvet and sob your eyes out. Poignant, moving, gripping. Tough to keep reading, tough to put down.

Head Case

The kind of book that makes you think. Hurts your head, grips your gut. Makes you explode. Depresses you. Enlightens you. A book that haunts your thoughts day and night. Brings new meaning to your life. Makes you understand someone elses life with incredible clarity. There aren't many of these books going. Some people call these classics. So do we, but we don't mean Moby Dick.

Coming November  2021

Beach Read

Not much exercise for the old brain cells here. Just relax and keep the Pimms and lemonade coming. You won't need to remember a thing anyway.


We like this word. Some book critics use the word contemporary when they see swear words. Multi-cultural books are often branded as "contemporary" Heh.  When we say contemporary we don't mean basic, or boring. We mean keeping' it real.

Comfy reading. Like a fuzzy blanket or a bar of chocolate. This book is for your soul.

JimJams n Teddy

NonStatQuo is Non-profit, acid free and habit forming.

Where there is hope, there is fire.

We aim to please We aim to agitate and above all… educate

An Ezine a day keeps the zombies at bay.

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